Great nuggets of information that highlight the complex issue and dilemma of placing "Latinos" or Mexican voters into one box.

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Thank you 🙏🏻 for finally laying this out. I agree that the candidate who figures this out will win.

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Gracias for your patience!

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You nailed it! And Rancho libertarianism is the perfect name for it. Thank you for writing this!

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Thanks for writing this up. I learned a lot from it. I don't have enough perspective to comment more substantively - so I look forward to reading comments from those who do.

I'd be curious, though about to hear more about your own views on the structural issues; I know that you admire the work of Mike Davis and others who put a lot of stock in those supersystems (particularly as it pertains to government). I do read this perspective as, having lived under such systems, advocating more of a clear-eyed view of what one has to do to get by (and be happy).

But again, I look forward to reading others' views here. Thank you!

Oh - and I may have mentioned this - but last year I was back home in Northwest Indiana & stumbled upon a mini ranchero outisde of Lake Station, IN (a very Mexican city). I'll look it up.

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Structures are powerful insomuch as you give them power, says the rancho libertarian!

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No Pos wow Gustavo.

I recall asking you once in IG Gritale A Guti to explain what Rancho Libertarianism meant (you had said it many times before) - You answered the questions - pero, I don't recall what your answer.

This is a perfect definition for the diaspora of Norther Mexico migration. Rancho Libertarianism is exemplary to my family. As I have stated before, I admire your historical contact behind your answers.

Ya sabes vale, #Gutigang y JALOS!!!

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Well done, great breakdown

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While "rancho libertarianism" is catchy, it really isn't libertarianism. It is old-fashioned working-class conservatism that used to exist in both parties.

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Nah, the rancho libertarian has a cult of individualism that classic conservatism never really had. Befriend one, and you'll find out!

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Individualism is at the heart of classic conservatism. Libertarianism is an extremist version of individualism that wants not merely to restrain government, but to minimize it. Those you describe as rancho "libertarians" are not anti-government. They just want to keep government from getting too big and overbearing. They are classic working-class conservatives.

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